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Lirik Lagu We Cant stop by Miley Cyrus (Sonny Saragih)

Sonny Saragih membawakan Lirik lagu We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus sebagai pembuka konser Rising Star Great 8. dan di Lanjutkan oleh Evony Arty dengan lagu Love dari Keyshia Cole.

Menurut komentar para Juri, Sonny Saragih hanya bagus dan kurang sesuatu aja. Tapi ke tiga Juri yaitu Ahmad Dhani, Bebi dan Melly Goeslaw (sebagai Juri Tamu) vote yes buat Sonny Saragih. Sementara Judika Vote No pada bagian akhir lagu karena menurutnya di awal Sonny bikin merinding tapi pas di akhir banyak nada-nada yang di ulang (mungkin kurang inprov kali ya)

Dan akhirnya Sonny Saragih dengan lagunya We Can't Stop By Miley Cyrus mendapatkan nilai 78% selamat walaupun masuk ke zona tidak aman bersama Evony Arty.

Baiklah ini dia Lirik Lagu We Cant stop by Miley Cyrus (Sonny Saragih). chekidot

Miley Cyrus – We Can’t Stop
It’s our party we can do what we want,

It’s our party we can say what we want

It’s our party we can love who we want

We can kiss who we want

We can live how we want


Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere

Hands in the air like we don’t care

Cause we came to have so much fun now

Got somebody here might get some now

If you’re not ready to go home

Can I get a hello?

Cause we gonna go all night, till we see the sunlight, alright

So la da dee da dee, we like to party

Dancing with Molly, doin’ whatever we want

This is our house, this is our rules

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

Can’t you see it’s we who own the night?

Can’t you see it’s we who ’bout that life?

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

We run things, things don’t run we

We don’t take nothing from nobody, yeah yeah

It’s our party we can do what we want,

It’s our party we can say what we want

It’s our party we can love who we want

We can kiss who we want

We can live how we want

To my homegirls here with the big butt

Shaking it like we at a strip club

Remember only God could judge ya, forget the haters, cause somebody loves ya

Everyone in line in the bathroom

Trying to get a **** in the bathroom

We all so turned up here, getting turned up yeah, yeah yeah yeah

So la da dee da dee, we like to party

Dancing with Molly, doin’ whatever we want

This is our house, this is our rules

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

Can’t you see it’s we who own the night?

Can’t you see it’s we who ’bout that life?

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

We run things, things don’t run we

We don’t take nothing from nobody, yeah yeah

It’s our party we can do what we want,

It’s our party we can say what we want

It’s our party we can love who we want

We can kiss who we want

We can live how we want

It’s our party we can do what we want to

It’s our house we can love who we want to

It’s our song we can sing if we want to

It’s my mouth I can say what I want to

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

Can’t you see it’s we who own the night?

Can’t you see it’s we who ’bout that life?

And we can’t stop, and we won’t stop

We run things, things don’t run we

We don’t take nothing from nobody, yeah yeah

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